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Mid June 2022 Update

It sure has been a busy month here at Noccalula Falls Park. We just finished up the very successful Wheels on the Hill Car Show and Swap Meet this past Sunday. It was a lot of fun seeing all the people come into the park showing off their vehicular works of art. Thanks to everyone who attended, to those that brought in their cars to show off, and to all of our staff for working so hard as always. Can’t wait til next year.

We finish up one event and immediately begin another. We are now preparing for The Barbarian Challenge, held at our ball field area on June 18th, 2022. THAT’S THIS WEEKEND!! Wow that got here fast. If you aren’t familiar with the Challenge then by all means watch this video:

We’ve been working for about a month or so getting everything ready to run. Come on up early and join the fun!!

Our last update is on the status of our Train Project. All of the old tracks have now been removed and the track bed has been smoothed a bit. Our next steps will be to re-elevate and grade the new track bed so that it will be up to code for the new trains. That means we will be grading and putting in new railroad ties that support the rails, followed by the actual rails themselves. Lastly, we will work on the platform situation. (Maybe some prettying up of the foliage around the track as well). Our priorities remain getting the train back on track, so to speak, in the safest and fastest way possible. Stay tuned for more updates!!

That’s about it for now. Look for more updates relating to everything Noccalula Falls Park right here on the Blog. Enjoy your summer safely!!

Christmas at the Falls From $12

Christmas at the Falls

November 21, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

The 2025 event opens Nov. 21st, 2025 and runs through Jan. 3rd, 2026 (Closed Dec. 24th & Dec. 25th). The event will feature millions of lights as you wind your way through the park. The park is also filled with holiday displays and decorations, bringing out the Christmas cheer in everyone. Train rides through the park is included with the price of admission. A Train Express Pass is available for purchase so you can jump that crazy line on our busy nights. (Only 25 passes are sold for each time slot)