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June 2022 Update

Hey everyone and welcome to our June 2022 update. You may not know it, but June is one of our busiest months here at Noccalula Falls. Lots of news and notes to pass on to you for sure!

Let’s begin with a major long awaited announcement. After all of the planning and re-planning, multiple drawings and configuration changes, as well as much hard work by everyone involved, we can officially announce construction has begun on our new Train Tacks. Of course everything has to start small, even on big projects, and this is indeed a big project! It began this morning with the marking of all of our current train tracks, many of which will be used in the new train track. at the same time, a different crew is working to remove all of the spikes that hold down the tracks themselves. Finally, after all this has been done, the tracks will be stored for a time when the new track layout and construction has been completed.

I can’t tell you all how excited we are to get our trains back up and running. We are currently shooting for a late summer/early fall time to reopen both trains. Please bear with us as we work to bring you the new and improved train experience.

Ok, now on to this month’s everts.

Our two biggest events are the Wheels on the Hill annual car show, taking place on June 10th-12th, and the Barbarian Challenge, taking place on Saturday June 18th, 2022.

The Wheels on the Hill event will take place at our campground on Friday June 10th through Sunday June 12th, 2022.  and is open to the public. Admission is $3.00 per person per day (3 and under are free). Come out and join us for a lot of fun, food, and classic cars!!

On June 18th, 2022, we will be hosting the Barbarian Challenge race and endurance competition throughout the park and gorge areas below the falls. The start and finish lines will be at the Noccalula Fields on the south end of the park. Here is a link that explains much more than I can in this short space. BARBARIAN CHALLENGE SITE

Well, that’s all I have space for this time. Please check back often and keep up with all the Noccalula News and Notes!

Christmas at the Falls From $12

Christmas at the Falls

November 21, 2025 @ 4:00 PM

The 2025 event opens Nov. 21st, 2025 and runs through Jan. 3rd, 2026 (Closed Dec. 24th & Dec. 25th). The event will feature millions of lights as you wind your way through the park. The park is also filled with holiday displays and decorations, bringing out the Christmas cheer in everyone. Train rides through the park is included with the price of admission. A Train Express Pass is available for purchase so you can jump that crazy line on our busy nights. (Only 25 passes are sold for each time slot)